Heart Valve Voice US has been tracking the impact of COVID-19 on our patient community and has published several guidance documents on the topic of “elective” procedures. We have also called for consistency and transparency in how recommendations for elective procedures are implemented so patients have clarity and can set expectations accordingly. Most recently, we called for greater patient input in the formulation of these policies. You can view all of COVID-19-related documents here: https://www.heartvalvevoice-us.org/category/policy-voice/covid-19/.
On a related note, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued new recommendations on June 9 for health facilities that provide non-emergency care, including elective procedures, in areas of the country currently undergoing “Phase II” reopening. In particular, the recommendations focus on caring for patients with underlying health conditions and for those who either lack access to adequate telehealth services or those that may suffer health risks from complications without in-person care. CMS recommends these patients either be tested for coronavirus and cleared 24 hours prior to receiving care or self-quarantine for 14 days prior to the procedure. Heart Valve Voice US will continue to monitor CMS’ updated recommendations to ensure that patients have the most up-to-date information to inform their care.