HVDPTF is an ad hoc coalition of national patient and professional organizations collectively advocating for policy solutions to improve access, research, and awareness on heart valve disease detection and treatment. Heart Valve Voice US currently manages the Task Force.
The task force serves as a platform for the development of policy focused programming on topics ranging from equitable access to the role of an FDA Advisory Committee, KCCQ, and how to engage with medical societies in tracking noncommunicable diseases. HVDPTF fosters collaboration by providing consistent and unified messaging on shared priorities and coordinating sign-on letters, public comments, and developing policy focused advocacy resources.
Under the leadership of HVV-US, the HVDPTF continues to provide a platform for stakeholders to engage on policy issues impacting heart valve disease including:
- Barriers to Access
- Cardio-Oncology
- Women’s Health/Aging Well
- FDA-CMS Parallel Review Process
- Addressing Unmet Needs in Underserved Communities
- Efforts to enhance screening programs
- Efforts to clarify and codify Coverage with Evidence Development (CED)
- Registries
- Evolution of Medicare Coverage of Innovative Technology (MCIT)
- Telehealth
- Digital Health
- FDA issues, including clinical trial innovations, Diversity and approval pathways
- Private insurance coverage and reimbursement issues
To highlight and support advocacy on these issues and others impacting heart valve disease, Heart Valve Voice US:
- Convenes monthly HVDPTF online meetings featuring expert presentations on current issues and relevant subject matter.
- Supports task force members on policy engagement, including writing and coordinating sign-on letters and responding to requests for comment.
- Promotes policy issues and policy focused programming on social media platforms.
- Provides regular e-updates to HVDPTF membership.
- Produces webinars to raise awareness and inform heart valve disease stakeholders about policy issues impacting care.
- Develops advocacy resources that serve to raise awareness and inform policymakers including white papers, policy briefs, videos, social media infographics and blog posts.